Equipment standard (preamp)
I had to see if I could settle with the equipment I now have and move on to the next phase, or if I needed to invest in better and more expensive equipment. Lydrommet were kind enough to borrow …
I had to see if I could settle with the equipment I now have and move on to the next phase, or if I needed to invest in better and more expensive equipment. Lydrommet were kind enough to borrow …
Arduino is an i/o-board, where you can connect a wide variety of sensors, motors, speakers etc. and make them talk with a computer. There are other similar concepts around, such as Phidgets, Eobody and Teabox. What is great with this …
Lately, I’ve been looking into methods of controlling the computer without using my legs or my hands. EEG-scanning was one of them: EEG-scanning is a way of analyzing your brainwaves. Brainwaves are weak electric signals, so the EEG-scanner amplifies them …
I started with what I already had, a Launchpad from Novation. In the aspect of diversity and portability, this controller presents many advantages. You have 64 + 16 buttons (8×8)+(2×8) located at a fairly small space, and you can flip …
The total signal latency, in+out, in the signal-flow is at around 8ms. This presents a challenge regarding timing and I had to choose the effects I use based some what on this. I did a quick run-through of available effects …
The audio from my EMFit based contact microphones goes into my sound card (Focusrite pro40), then to the DAW – Ableton Live, through desired effects and/or to be stored on the hard drive, back to the sound card and out …
To explain how I approach the discussed subject, we’ll start at the audio source, the drum set. Traditional drum microphones have a certain amount of leakage from their surroundings, for example a mic placed to record the snare would also …
So, why am I doing this? I’ve always been jealous at the guitarists ability to just go and buy an effect pedal, send the sound of his guitar trough it and control it with his feet. I want to do …
In this blog, I’ll explain and reflect upon my approach to the combination of drums and electronics, my current setup and some thoughts regarding the form of my performances. The blog will run for a minimum of two years as …